  • True Run Media联合创始人, 菁kids创始人兼出版人马春蕾(Toni Ma)
    马春蕾(Toni Ma)
    True Run Media联合创始人, 菁kids创始人兼出版人
    出生于中国的马春蕾双语流利, 谙熟东西方文化,在过去的十七年中致力于北京和上海的国际社区建设。2001年与先生Mike Wester共同创办True Run Media, 打造英文生活方式媒体平台theBeijinger, 帮助在京居住的外国人社区更好的了解北京,享受生活;2006年,回应在京居住外国家庭对国际教育和家庭生活信息的需求,创办英文媒体beijingkids; 在此期间,作为中国妈妈的她,感受到获得经济自由的中国家庭对于公正客观的国际教育信息和理念的迫切需求,于2012年创办了专门服务于中国家庭的媒体平台“菁kids”。目前,菁kids 的服务覆盖京沪两地,包括杂志、网站、微信、大型国际学校博览会和日常线下讲座。菁kids 坚守客观求实冷静的态度为家长传播教育信息和理念,深受国际教育者和家长的信赖。
  • Coordinator of Experiential Education at Keystone Academy, Beijing 北京市鼎石学校体验式教育协调员Chris Cartwright
    Chris Cartwright
    Coordinator of Experiential Education at Keystone Academy, Beijing 北京市鼎石学校体验式教育协调员
    Chris has been involved in Adventure and Outdoor Education for over 30 years, with a career that covers many areas of Experiential Education delivery; from leader training and selection with school’s expedition companies. Leading major expeditions, coaching elite performers, coordinating an Educational Action Zone, safety and risk mitigation consulting to teaching outdoor education and environmental discovery. He is now based at the Keystone Academy and is tasked with growing the current and highly successful Experiential Learning programme into a World Class programme. In his spare time, he can often be found honing his skills in his kayak or out for a local hike. Chris从事探险和户外教育已有三十余年,职业生涯涵盖体验式教育的诸多领域,包括:与学校的探险公司进行队长培训和遴选;领导大型探险项目;训练精英户外运动表演人员;协调教育行动区;安全与风险缓释咨询;以及教授户外教育和环境探索。Chris如今加入了北京市鼎石学校,负责进一步发展学校现有的极其成功的体验式学习课程,使之成为世界一流的课程。工作之余,人们可以经常看到他划着独木舟磨练自己的技能,或者在当地徒步旅行。
  • 诺金旅行总经理 General Manger, NUO Travel张彦龙 Alex Zhang
    张彦龙 Alex Zhang
    诺金旅行总经理 General Manger, NUO Travel
    高端旅行领域资深专家,深耕整合营销、全球体验式学习、精品活动、高端奖励旅行、公益旅行等产品,带领“诺金旅行”为众多知名品牌和机构提供服务。高度关注国际教育研学旅行领域,为国内外学校、教育机构提供研学旅行解决方案。 Alex is the expert with years of experience in bespoke travel industry, he has been focusing on Integrated Marketing, Global experiential learning, Tailor-made boutique activities, High-end incentive travel, Public service programs, and etc.He leads NUO Travel to provide solutions and services for many well-known brands and institutions. He pays particular attention to international education and experiential learning, lead the education team to provide solutions for public schools, international schools as well as educational institutions.
  • Vice Principal of Teaching and Research, ETU Education 一土学校教研副校长Brad Walsh(华伟强)
    Brad Walsh(华伟强)
    Vice Principal of Teaching and Research, ETU Education 一土学校教研副校长
    Brad Walsh is ETU School’s vice principal of teaching and research, in charge of Project-based Learning (PBL) design and English curriculum development. Throughout his teaching career, Brad has been specializing in developing positive psychology in children through STEAM (Science, Engineering, Art, Technology and Mathematic) activities and focusing on building 4Cs fundamental capabilities (Creativity, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking) for students in the 21st Century. Brad Walsh现任一土学校教研副校长,主管项目制学习(PBL)的课程研发和英语教学体系搭建。Brad专注于STEAM(科学、工程、艺术、科技和数学)教学,善于从儿童积极心理学视角出发灵活教学。同时,Brad注重培养学生具备“4Cs”(创造力、协作能力、沟通能力和批判性思维)的21世纪基础技能。
  • Director of Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) 北京京西学校校长Dr. Marta Medved Krajnovic
    Dr. Marta Medved Krajnovic
    Director of Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) 北京京西学校校长
    Krajnovic joined WAB in 2018. With nearly two decades of academic experience, Krajnovic served as the director of Stockholm International School for five years, and worked as Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb, and was also director of the Postgraduate Programme in Applied Linguistics there. Marta has authored books and research articles on second language acquisition and multilingualism. 近二十年的教育行业从业经历让她对国际教育有着深刻的理解,对教育创新充满热情。她于2018年加入WAB,她在此之前的五年,她在斯德哥尔摩国际学校担任校长。她还曾在萨格勒布大学担任副教授,同时任该校应用语言学研究生院院长,撰写过有关第二语言和多语言习得的学术著作和研究论文。
  • Head of School at the International School of Beijing (ISB) 北京顺义国际学校校长Patrick Hurworth
    Patrick Hurworth
    Head of School at the International School of Beijing (ISB) 北京顺义国际学校校长
    Patrick was born and raised in the UK and left in 1996 to teach at the International School of Geneva, Switzerland. He has now lived and served schools in four countries; UK, Switzerland, USA, Hong Kong China, and now Beijing where he has served as Head of School at the International School of Beijing (ISB). ISB (a non-profit school) is Beijing's oldest and largest International School and enrolls the daughters and sons of foreign passport holders. Hurworth博士来自英国,于1996年前往瑞士的日内瓦国际学校任教。至今,他已在英国、瑞士、美国、中国香港四个国家和地区生活和工作过。他曾经执教过GSCE、A-Level、IB DP、MYP和AP课程,有一线的教学经验。他拥有美国和英国双国籍,会讲法语。他的儿子和女儿都是双国籍、会说三种语言的第三文化儿童。他喜欢烹饪、音乐、杂耍、英式橄榄球和旅行。
  • Head Master of Dulwich College Beijing (DCB) 北京德威英国国际学校校长Simon Herbert
    Simon Herbert
    Head Master of Dulwich College Beijing (DCB) 北京德威英国国际学校校长
    Simon joined DCB as Head of Senior School in 2012 and became Headmaster of the College in August 2016. He is currently studying for an MA in International Leadership and Education and gained a BA in French and Latin from the University of Nottingham. He has worked in advertising and has taught in an international school in Kenya and a lycée in South-West France. He was Head of Modern Languages and then Senior Housemaster at Fettes College in Edinburgh, where he also introduced the IB Diploma Programme, before moving to China. 北京德威英国国际学校(Dulwich College Beijing, 简称DCB)校长,他于2012年加入德威,担任高中部校长,2016年8月成为德威校长。Herbert先生拥有诺丁汉大学法语和拉丁语双学士学位,目前正在攻读国际领导力和教育硕士学位。他曾就职于广告业,也曾在肯尼亚的一所国际学校和法国西南部的一所学校任教。在移居中国之前,他在爱丁堡费特斯学院任现代语言系主任和高中部舍监,还把IB文凭课程介绍给了该校。他热爱北京,也喜欢与妻子Hellen和三个儿子一起探索东方文化。他还连续两年担任英国商会执行委员会委员。他喜欢跑步、远足和音乐,业余时间还会去北京曲棍球俱乐部打曲棍球。
  • Director of Curriculum and Professional Development at Beijing Huijia Private School 北京市私立汇佳学校课程及教师发展总监Antonio Flores
    Antonio Flores
    Director of Curriculum and Professional Development at Beijing Huijia Private School 北京市私立汇佳学校课程及教师发展总监
    Antonio Flores MEd, is a 27-year experienced international educator based in Beijing. He has witnessed the evolution of the International Baccalaureate since the mid-1970’s when as a high school student, he graduated from the program. From 1992 to 2015, he served in the first IB accredited school in Beijing. In 2002, he contributed to the introduction of MYP in China by translating From Principles into Practice and the PHE guidebooks from English into Chinese. He has worked as workshop leader, moderator, accreditation team member, and has been part of curriculum review teams at the IB Curriculum headquarters in Cardiff. Starting in 2016, he worked as resident consultant for PYP, MYP and secured DP authorization for a private school in Beijing. Antonio is currently Beijing Huijia Private School – Director of Curriculum and Professional Development, as well as DP TOK teacher. He is also a reviewer for the MYP Building Quality Curriculum worldwide team. 安东尼奥.佛洛雷斯教育硕士,在北京从事教育工作长达27年,是一位经验丰富的教育专家。上世纪70年代,他就读于IB高中,并从该项目顺利毕业,见证了IB教育的变革。1992年到2015年,于北京第一所IB认证学校开始其教学生涯。2002年,着手翻译《中学项目:从原则到实践》及体育与健康学科指南,将MYP项目引入中国。他曾经是培训师、评审监督员、IB认证小组成员,以及IB课程总部评审工作组成员。2016年,他担任北京某私立学校的PYP、MYP及DP项目顾问。目前安东尼奥先生就职于北京市私立汇佳学校,担任课程及教师发展总监,同时兼任DP TOK教师。此外,他还是MYP全球高质量课程评审小组成员。
  • Principal of The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi  北京英国学校-顺义校区校长Richard Thornhill
    Richard Thornhill
    Principal of The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi 北京英国学校-顺义校区校长
    Mr. Richard Thornhill joined the Nord Anglia family of schools as Principal of The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi in May 2017. Having over two decades experience as a Headteacher, Executive Headteacher and as Chief Executive Officer of a federation of schools in London, Mr.Thornhill has a wealth of understanding in leading the highest calibre of schools. This experience has been gained across all phases of education and provision in schools delivering high quality education to a wide age range from pre-primary to secondary. Furthermore, Mr.Thornhill was appointed as one of the first National Leaders of Education in the UK and has served on the boards of the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) and the National College for School Leadership (NCSL). Richard Thornhill先生于2017年5月以北京英国学校-顺义校区校长的身份加入诺德安达集团这个大家庭。Richard Thornhill先生有超过20年的学校管理经验,加入北京英国学校之前的职位是伦敦多所联盟公立学校的CEO。他执掌的学校成绩优异涵盖了所有年龄段的学生,从幼儿园到高中。此外,Richard Thornhill 先生也曾获得英国“最杰出教育领导者”的殊荣并且为TDA(英国教师培训机构)和NCSL(英国国立学校领导学院)工作。
  • Harrow Beijing Headmaster 哈罗北京校长David Shinkfield
    David Shinkfield
    Harrow Beijing Headmaster 哈罗北京校长
    David Shinkfield, an Australian by birth, came to Harrow Beijing from Kormilda College in Darwin, Australia where he had been the Principal for 5 years. Before being appointed to that post, he spent 12 years at the prestigious Rugby School and before that he taught at St John’s, Leatherhead in England. During his time at Rugby School he taught mathematics, was the Senior Housemaster and finally Assistant Head Master for 2 years. Mr Shinkfield lives on campus with his wife Franziska, who is also a teacher, together with their children, Stanley and Daniel. 哈罗北京校长David Shinkfield先生生于澳大利亚。在来到哈罗北京之前,他曾担任澳大利亚达尔文市柯麦达学院校长五年。在此之前,他曾在英国著名的拉格比公学任职十二年,并曾在莱瑟黑德市圣约翰中学就职。在拉格比公学任职期间,他曾担任数学老师、资深舍监,并担任助理校长两年。Shinkfield先生和他的妻子Franziska女士、孩子Stanley和 Daniel住在校园里,Franziska女士也是哈罗北京的教师。
  • 心理学博士孙大强
    《幸福心理学》作者, 北京师范大学心理学博士, 北京交通大学专职心理教师, 中科院心理所继续教育特聘讲师,教育部智心委、人社部人才流动中 心、中央人民广播电台、网易健康 特邀心理专家.
  • 喜悦国际儿童市集、喜悦国际儿童俱乐部创始人许珊珊
  • Family Farm 马术庄园合伙人曾珊
    Family Farm 马术庄园合伙人
  • 知名微信公众大号“美行者亲子游”创始人秦艺芳
  • 万童互动创始人兼总裁储晓冶
  • 北京积爱国际学院联合创始人兼总裁美淇 Vivian
    美淇 Vivian
  • 馨德家创始人马均菲 Jessica Ma
    马均菲 Jessica Ma
  • 北京爱之园教育咨询公司副总裁张宇征
    北京大学英语语言文学学士、加拿大Queen’s University TESL Program专业硕士,专注于双语教育和跨文化研究,深耕早期教育领域近十年,主导设计的《世界小公民》课程入选联合国教科文组织推广项目。
  • 小绿洲家庭俱乐部创始人Jennifer Jin Ma (马瑾)
    Jennifer Jin Ma (马瑾)
    出生于天津,8岁和父母移民新西兰;在奥克兰大学毕业(主修法律和商科);毕业后进入L'Oreal并先后在新西兰/澳洲/英国工作,直到2012年回到北京。现在有三个儿子,分别为Lucas 8岁,Jacob 6岁和Mason2岁。 2014年创立高端家庭生活品牌“小绿洲家庭俱乐部”, 小绿洲的问世打破了"早教即为上课下课"的传统理念,重新定义了家庭时光。
  • 百万大号“伊姐看电影”创始人 中信畅销书《认知差:你比人生赢家差在哪》作者伊姐(周桂伊)
    百万大号“伊姐看电影”创始人 中信畅销书《认知差:你比人生赢家差在哪》作者
  • 正在加入更多嘉宾