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Andrew Holdsworth
Oracle Real-World Performance 团队全球副总裁
Andrew 在数据库性能优化方面有超过26年的经验,经历过无数次重大数据库性能方面的挑战。Andrew 的性能优化哲学其实很简单,可以总结为: 1. 卓越的性能从来都不是偶然的 2. 你的系统性能是你“值得”拥有的 3. “差不多,足够好”从来都是“差很多,不够好”;追求卓越才是必须的

Where is the industry going in the autonomous database era

#主会场:数聚价值 智胜未来

Oracle announced the world’s first "self-driving" database in the last OOW. Self-driving database had been the extreme goal of the industry. Oracle company just once more lead the industry trend. And the database performance experience from Oracle Real-World Performance team is of course built into the self-driving database. 
不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。在前不久的 Oracle Open World 大会上,Oracle 公司整了个大动静,推出了世界上首款自治数据库。自治数据库,是整个行业多年来一直追求的终极目标。Oracle 公司此次先人一步,再一次引领了行业发展的趋势,Oracle Real-World Performance 团队多年的数据库优化经验自然也贯穿其中。

Is the self-driving database reliable? Where is the industry going? Welcome to the ACOUG database carnival, and see what the Oracle Real-World Performance team’s VP will say. 
自治数据库靠谱吗?整个行业未来的发展趋势将会是怎样?欢迎您来到 ACOUG 嘉年华现场,听听 Oracle Real-World Performance 团队的 VP 怎么说。

11 月 17 日 10:40 - 11:00

自治数据库时代的 SQL 优化

#分会场一:云架构 - 云数据架构(PaaS)

What does the world’s first autonomous database look like? How do the Oracle Real-World Performance(RWP)team work on the SQL performance, and how did they build their experience into the world’s first autonomous database? Welcome to the RWP session in the ACOUG database carnival event, and listen to the SQL performance case analysis from the RWP team, as well as their story with the world’s first autonomous database. 
世界上首款自治数据库长什么样?Oracle Real-World Performance(RWP)团队是怎样进行数据库性能优化,怎样将他们的经验融入到世界上首款自治数据库中的?欢迎您来到 ACOUG 嘉年华的 RWP 专场,聆听 RWP 团队的 SQL 优化案例分享,以及他们与世界上首款自治数据库之间的那些事。

11 月 17 日 15:00 - 16:20