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Cary Dong 董志平
中国Oracle Real-World Performance部门经理

自治数据库时代的 SQL 优化

#分会场一:云架构 - 云数据架构(PaaS)

What does the world’s first autonomous database look like? How do the Oracle Real-World Performance(RWP)team work on the SQL performance, and how did they build their experience into the world’s first autonomous database? Welcome to the RWP session in the ACOUG database carnival event, and listen to the SQL performance case analysis from the RWP team, as well as their story with the world’s first autonomous database. 
世界上首款自治数据库长什么样?Oracle Real-World Performance(RWP)团队是怎样进行数据库性能优化,怎样将他们的经验融入到世界上首款自治数据库中的?欢迎您来到 ACOUG 嘉年华的 RWP 专场,聆听 RWP 团队的 SQL 优化案例分享,以及他们与世界上首款自治数据库之间的那些事。

11 月 17 日 15:00 - 16:20