Populism: Is There a Particularly Asian Variant?

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Populism: Is There a Particularly Asian Variant?

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Pr. David Camroux

Honorary Research Fellow

French Center of International Studies

The Event: The study of populism is developing as a sub-discipline of comparative politics. Yet the term "populism" has become so widely used in the media that its salience as an empirical category could be called into question. In his presentation, Pr. Camroux will suggest three ways of looking at populism: as strategy, performative style and thin ideology, and propose, following Jan Müller, a limited definition. In looking at three contemporary leaders in Southeast Asia - Rodrigo Duterte, Hun Sen and Aung San Suu Kyi – he will argue that populist theory provides a useful analytical grid for examining contemporary political practice.


The speaker: David Camroux is an Honorary Research Fellow at the French Centre of International Studies (CERI). His main research fields include comparative regional integration (EU-Asia) with subjects such as the EU as a global actor in Asia; nationalism and ‘nation-building’, regime consolidation and regionalisation in Southeast Asia; domestic politics, religious resurgence in Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand; migration, globalization and ‘transnationalism’ in Southeast Asia; and finally Australia in their Asian environment.

Both an internationalist and a comparatist, he is currently working on two subjects, namely populism in Southeast Asia, with a focus on Rodrigo Duterte; and Australia, Indonesia and the ASEAN ‘centrality’ in a new geopolitical entity: the Indo-Pacific.

Thursday, November 28th 7:00 pm

1128日周四 晚上7:00

Doors Open at 6:30 pm


CFLD Hall, Schwarzman College, Level B1

清华大学苏世民书院, 华夏幸福厅,地下一层

This Event is Co-Sponsored by 

Schwarzman College and the Centre Franco-Chinois

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