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In recent years, molecular diagnostics has been steadily rising in the segment of in-vitro diagnostics, and the outbreak of the Covid-19, the public health emergency, at the end of 2019 has made nucleic acid testing/molecular diagnostics the market trend and focus. Subsequently, it has also brought new demands, challenges and opportunities: 

  • Under the biosecurity act, what are the market trends and the evaluation criteria for the registration of  panel diagnostics products?

  • How is the development of the breakthrough techniques such as third/fourth generation sequencing/CRISPR

  • What are the regulatory agencies’ and clinicians’ attitudes towards pathogenic microorganism detection?

  • What are the trends and challenges of pathogen detection under mNGS/nanopore sequencing/targeted enrichment techniques?

In face of the breakthroughs and difficulties in the developing cutting-edge techniques and their application in uprising molecular diagnostics, MDx 2020 (6th Novel Molecular Diagnostics Summit China) will have an in-depth discussion on the annual hot topics in the molecular diagnostics industry such as the declaration of products and techniques, the commercialization trends, challenges of developing and applications of mNGS, PCR, third/fourth generation sequencing techniques to pathogen detection, registration and evaluation of panel diagnostics products under NGS, and how the revolutionary breakthrough of frontier techniques such as CRISPR stimulated and enlightened the industry. The summit is devoted to exploring the pioneer technical development and declaration of products with the industrial experts.

DAY1 Regulatory Policies and Market Trends in the Molecular Diagnostics IndustryDAY2 Revolutionary Technical Development and Brand-new Applications

icon-01.png  Interpretation of the Latest and Key Industrial Policies
icon-01.png  Registration and Standards of Panel Diagnostics Products

icon-01.png  Comments and Regulations on Pathogen Diagnosis and Laboratory Security

icon-01.png  Trends of Techniques/ Industrialization/Business Opportunities for Molecular Diagnostics

icon-01.png  CRISPR/Single-Molecule Sequencing/Nanopore Sequencing and Other Technical Development
icon-01.png  Frontier Pathogenic Microorganism Detection Techniques and Practices
icon-01.png  Challenges and Practices of dPCR/ Isothermal Amplification and Other Targeted Pathogen Detection Techniques

icon-01.png   Difficulties in mNGS/Single-molecular Sequencing/Nanopore Sequencing

Highlights & Attendees


Past Review

Past Review

An annual Event Dedicated to Molecular Diagnostic Technologies, Products and the Development and Optimization of Platforms

Up to the 5thMDx, there have been nearly 200 outstanding experts figure in the MDx area sharing wonderful presentations, who are from global enterprises and research institutes. More than 2500 industry elites get inspired and promoted for being actively participated ! The 6th MDx, accumulating 5 years of reputation and experience in the molecular diagnostics industry, will further dig in and focus on the hotspots and difficulties in molecular diagnostics. A specialized research forum will be established to explore the pioneer technical development and product declaration in molecular diagnostics with industrial experts!

  • Member, Chinese Academy of EngineeringHonghao Zhou
    Honghao Zhou
    Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering
  • Director, China National Center for Biotechnology DevelopmentYutao Hua
    Yutao Hua
    Director, China National Center for Biotechnology Development
  • Director of Non-communicable Disease Diagnostic Reagent Room, National Institutes for Food and Drug ControlJie Huang
    Jie Huang
    Director of Non-communicable Disease Diagnostic Reagent Room, National Institutes for Food and Drug Control
    研究员, 临床检验诊断学专业博士。主要从事体外诊断试剂质量评价工作,主要研究方向为体外诊断试剂标准物质研制,个体化检测研究以及二代测序等前沿技术研究与评价等。参与了国家重点研发计划、863计划、科技支撑计划等多个项目的工作。负责研制了高通量测序技术系列参考物质,系统的评价了测序仪性能、高通量测序技术在无创产前、胚胎植入、肿瘤基因突变检测等领域的应用。负责了多个行业标准的起草、制定工作。
  • Registrar of Medical Device Supervision Department of Shanghai Food and Drug AdministrationSenyong Lin
    Senyong Lin
    Registrar of Medical Device Supervision Department of Shanghai Food and Drug Administration
  • Director of Experimental Diagnosis Center of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical UniversityXixiong Kang
    Xixiong Kang
    Director of Experimental Diagnosis Center of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University
  • Vice President of Regulatory Strategy at GRAILElizabeth Mansfield
    Elizabeth Mansfield
    Vice President of Regulatory Strategy at GRAIL
  • PI, HudsonAlpha Institute for BiotechnologyJian Han
    Jian Han
    PI, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
  • Distinguished Professor and vice of School of Life Sciences, Fudan UniversityDaru Lu
    Daru Lu
    Distinguished Professor and vice of School of Life Sciences, Fudan University
    遗传学博士,复旦大学特聘教授、博士生导师,生命科学学院副院长、基因技术教育部工程研究中心主任,复旦大学校友会副会长。中国遗传学会常务理事/副秘书长、遗传诊断分会主任委员,上海市遗传学会理事长,BMC Medical Genomics 副主编以及多家杂志编委。 长期从事遗传学的科研、教学与科普,主要研究方向为基因编辑治疗和基因诊断技术研究, 先后获得国家技术发明二等奖、国家自然科学二等奖以及2项国家级教学奖励,省部级科技奖励一等奖6项,获得中国青年科技奖、国家百千万人才工程国家级人选、国务院政府特殊津贴、全国优秀教师、全国师德先进个人、教育部跨世纪人才、上海市优秀启明星、上海市优秀学科带头人、上海市高等教育教学名师等荣誉。
  • Founder & CEO of DiaCarta INC, California, USAAiguo Zhang
    Aiguo Zhang
    Founder & CEO of DiaCarta INC, California, USA
    精确癌症分子诊断公司DiaCarta(位于加州硅谷)总裁兼首席执行官。张博士是位活跃在加州硅谷及中国大陆两地的生物高科技创业家,曾创立了多个生物技术公司,并在多个跨国生物企业担任要职,其中包括Affymetrix公司和Bio-Rad,拥有丰富的企业管理经验。此外,张博士对体外诊断市场有资深的认知和运作,并掌握了从新产品研发,到GMP生产及产品报证一整套管理技能。 张博士毕业于北师大生物系,获中科院生物学硕士,加拿大Simon Fraser University博士学位,麻省大学博士后及加州Berkeley大学助理研究教授。在领先的科学期刊发表了超过20篇论文和多项国际专利,先后获得美国NIH,NCI等机构数百万创新产品开发基金。
  • Founder & CTO of HaploXShifu Chen
    Shifu Chen
    Founder & CTO of HaploX
  • VP of Dian DiagnosticsTang Jiang
    Tang Jiang
    VP of Dian Diagnostics
    研究员、博士生导师。1997-1999年美国哈佛大学医学院副研究员。2008-2010美国德克萨斯大学MD Anderson 肿瘤中心研究员。中山大学中山医学院检验系主任,教育部医学技术类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员,卫生部临床检验标准专业委员会委员。现任迪安诊断技术集团股份有限公司副总裁、CTO、CSO。历任中山大学附属第一医院检验医学部学术带头人、首席科学家。广东省卫生厅“科技兴医五个一工程”学科带头人,广东省“千、百、十人才工程”省级学术带头人,中国检验医师学会常务委员,中华医学会广东省检验学会副主任委员,中国免疫学会临床免疫委员会常委、中国生化、分子生物学会临床检验专业委员会常委、中华医院管理学会临床检验专业委员会全国委员,广东省医院管理学会临床检验专业委员会副主任委员,卫生部临床检验标准化委员会委员,中华病毒学会全国委员,卫生专业技术资格考试专家委员会委员,国家实验室认可委员会评审员,《中华肾脏病杂志》、《中华检验杂志》、《临床检验杂志》等多家杂志的常务编委、编委。曾获得863、国家自然科学基金、卫生部优秀人才基金、广东省自然科学基金多项资助。获得包括国家教委一等奖、广东省科研成果二等奖等科研成果十数项,在国内外专业杂志上发表论文百余篇,主编、参编教材、专著多部。
  • CTO of GeneseeqXiaonan Wang
    Xiaonan Wang
    CTO of Geneseeq
    世和基因联合创始人、董事、CTO 毕业于加拿大多伦多大学 加拿大安大略癌症研究院和多伦多大学从事肿瘤学及分子生物学研究七年 带领世和医疗器械团队研发的EGFR /ALK /ROS1 /BRAF /KRAS /HER2基因突变试剂盒(可逆末端终止测序法)(国械注准:20183400408)已作为首批同类产品通过创新医疗器械特别审批程序于2018年9月获批上市 参与多个重大临床研究项目,多次在国际学术会议上展示研究成果并发表论文
  • Co-Founder & CEO of New Horizon HealthYeqing Zhu
    Yeqing Zhu
    Co-Founder & CEO of New Horizon Health
    同时担任中国癌症基金会理事、国家消化道早癌防治中心联盟副理事长。朱叶青毕业于北京大学生命科学学院和光华管理学院, 拥有逾20年世界500强高管工作经验,2010年起担任GE金融亚太区董事总经理。
  • COO of Burning Rock DxShaokun Chuai
    Shaokun Chuai
    COO of Burning Rock Dx
    燃石医疗COO,作为联合创始人,带领燃石开发基于NGS的肿瘤伴随诊断创新产品。 任职经历: 诺华 (中国)研发中心:负责靶向药物研发的生物信息学平台及转化医学平台 诺华(美国):靶向药物大型三期临床实验首席统计分析师 美国纽约斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心:癌症药物早期临床实验设计与统计学分析,基于多维度组学数据的分子标志物研究方案设计与数据分析 美国宾夕法尼亚大学 :负责宾大医学院遗传学与转化医学研究课题的基金申请、方案撰写及数据分析 美国宾夕法尼亚大学:生物统计学,博士 美国德克萨斯大学 :统计与应用数学,硕士 南开大学 :生物化学,学士 拥有生物信息学与转化医学领域15年的资历,积累了涵盖NGS数据分析、分子诊断、临床实验设计、生物标志物开发等与癌症个体化诊疗密切相关的多方面研发及运营经验
  • VP of precision medicine of 3D MedicinesFugen Li
    Fugen Li
    VP of precision medicine of 3D Medicines
    Dr. Li has more than 20 years of experience with large pharma, diagnostic industry and cancer research institute. He has diversity of expertise from early drug screening, biomarker research, translational study, diagnostic product development, bioinformatics pipeline development and data mining. He has deep knowledge to support advanced clinical development of drug candidates based on translational study and biomarker driven approaches. Dr. Li has led bioinformatic pipeline development, data mining and analysis, translational research and biomarker selection in Sanofi, MIT, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 3D Medicines and HaiHe Biopharma as a senior scientist, staff scientist, vice president and senior vice president. He helps sharp the genome research direction and strategy for the product development such as NGS-based diagnostic panel for LDT and CDx. He led multiple collaborations across institutes, hospitals and has published more than 40 peer review papers in Nature, Cell, Nature Genetics, Cancer Discovery etc. 李福根博士在大型药企,诊断行业和癌症研究所拥有20多年的研发经验。曾就职于赛诺菲,、美国麻省理工学院(MIT)、 哈佛Dana-Faber癌症研究所, 思路迪诊断和海和药物, 分别担任资深科学家,研发副总裁以及高级副总裁。他在早期药物筛选、生物标志物研究、转化医学研究、伴随诊断产品开发、生物信息分析管线开发和数据挖掘等领域拥有丰富的经验。李博士还曾在《自然》,《细胞》,《自然遗传学》,《Cancer Discovery》等杂志上发表了近40多篇研究论文.
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