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Postcards from the Edge

时间: 10 月 20 日 10:25 - 11:05

This session explores technologies and trends impacting global OTT content delivery, seen from the perspective of the world’s largest CDN. We will examine a number of current topics, including worldwide bandwidth trends, the use and benefits of new protocols such as QUIC, how acronyms like CMAF, MSE and EME will change our lives, the reality of Virtual Reality, the changing roles of CDNs and a view of what media distribution in near future may look like.

LiveVideoStackCon 2017
William Robert Law
Akamai 首席架构师
Will Law是Akamai媒体业务群的首席架构师,是公司媒体分发技术的团队负责人。他在互联网流媒体领域拥有18年的工作经验,始终专注于客户端技术的开发,编写了许多至今仍在为Akamai使用的早期网络连接框架。 他目前主要专注于MPEG DASH和HTTP流媒体、4K分发、VR交付,CMAF,WebRTC,云转码和多比特率切换等领域。 Will Law担任DASH产业论坛的副主席,CTA WAVE Project项目的副主席,拥有航空航天工程学的硕士学位和工商管理硕士学位,此前曾为Adobe、Internap和一些列媒体行业的初创公司服务过。