* IES Global Professional Growth November Event *

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* IES Global Professional Growth November Event *

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At IES Global Education we know that professional development is extremely important to you as educators, both for your classroom success and for your career potential.


Which is why we are excited to announce the IES Global Professional November platform with a unique premium virtual learning event on Saturday, November 20th ( 8:00am - 5:30pm).


Join us for a day of innovative and impactful learning sessions from high calibre, globally experienced professional learning presenters, guaranteed to leave you inspired, uplifted, and enthusiastic to apply your learning.


Enjoy Master Classes by educational thought-leaders Trevor McKenzie and Gavin McCormack along with two extended Deep-Dive workshops led by experienced international educator-presenters Daun Yorke and Paula Brunning.


Our November event offers you amazing value for your professional growth in one day.  Sign up to access the Morining Session, Afternoon Session or full day of learning. An admission fee will be applied to reserve the limited seats.

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  • Master Class - Exploring the Inquiry Classroom: What Inquiry-Based Learning Is and What Inquiry-Based Learning Is NotTrevor McKenzie (8:00am - 9:00am)
    Trevor McKenzie (8:00am - 9:00am)
    Master Class - Exploring the Inquiry Classroom: What Inquiry-Based Learning Is and What Inquiry-Based Learning Is Not
    Trevor MacKenzie is an experienced teacher, author, keynote speaker and inquiry consultant who has worked in schools throughout Australia, Asia, North America, South Africa and Europe. Trevor’s passion is in supporting schools in implementing inquiry-based learning practices. He is a highly regarded speaker known for his heartfelt storytelling, kind demeanour, and student-first philosophy. Trevor’s graduate research focused on identifying and removing the barriers to implementing inquiry-based learning in the K-12 setting. He is an inquiry practitioner currently as a teacher with the Greater Victoria School District in Victoria, Canada. He has two publications: Dive into Inquiry and Inquiry Mindset, both published by Elevate Books Edu. He has vast experience supporting schools across several years in implementation strategies in public schools, international schools, and International Baccalaureate programmes (PYP/MYP/DP).
  • Deep Dive Workshop - Students Agency Through Project Based LearningDaun Yorke (9:15am - 12:30pm)
    Daun Yorke (9:15am - 12:30pm)
    Deep Dive Workshop - Students Agency Through Project Based Learning
    Daun Yorke is the Secondary Principal at Xi’an Liangjiatan International School in China. Daun is a Lead Educator for the International Baccalaureate where she leads workshops, consults and leads school visits. Daun has trained hundreds of IB PYP, MYP and DP workshop leaders, site visit team members and Lead and Evaluation Leaders face to face and online over the last decade. Daun is a doctoral candidate at Northeastern University, (Boston) completing her dissertation about “ecological agency in IB schools in East Asia.” Daun believes in the power of student voice, vision and action. Inquiry and student-led learning has been at the center of the group and individual Project Based Learning (PBL) initiatives that Daun has led for middle school and high school learners at her school.
  • Master Class - Developing thinking and the implementation of essential skills in the curriculumGavin McCormack (1:00pm - 2:00pm)
    Gavin McCormack (1:00pm - 2:00pm)
    Master Class - Developing thinking and the implementation of essential skills in the curriculum
    Having written a series of books for both children and adults on education, researching and representing Sir Kenny Dalglish's Life story as a rhyming picture book, running his own publishing firm, charity and being school Principal, Gavin McCormack, nominated for Australian Principal Of the year 2020, was also named as the 10th most Influential Educator in the world by Linkedin. On a quest for educational equality, Gavin has run hundreds of miles for charity to raise money to personally build schools, libraries and teacher training centres in the Himalayan region of Nepal, all this whilst successfully running one of Australia's best Montessori primary schools, Gavin knows what it means to work with intention. During his engaging talks, Gavin proves that when we discover what it is, that truly makes our heart sing, and if we really want to see change in the world, we must first shift our mindset to a place where failure is all part of the journey. Ultimately, the change we wish to see in others lies within. Gavin makes strong links between the way our classrooms run to the patterns we see emerging in today's society. He emphasizes the importance of essential skill development and the power that these skills will have in the future of our youngest entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow.
  • Deep Dive Class - Student Wellbeing in China - A Look at Teacher Self-Care and Strategies to Support StudentsPaula Brunning (2:15pm - 5:30pm)
    Paula Brunning (2:15pm - 5:30pm)
    Deep Dive Class - Student Wellbeing in China - A Look at Teacher Self-Care and Strategies to Support Students
    Paula Brunning has been working internationally for more than 25 years, first as a teacher and since 2001 as a professional counselor both in a private setting and in schools. She holds a BA in Psychology/Spanish, BEd with Junior/Intermediate specialization, and MSocSc in Counseling. Paula has worked with students from age 2-19. Currently, she is in Shenzhen, China, having completed four years as the high school counselor at Shekou International School, and now working as a counselor in the Shekou community, and a consultant with SIS. Paula is the proud mother of five children, ranging in ages from 10 to 22, so she has a wealth of experience from many perspectives when working with children, teens, families and teachers.
  • Agenda

    Exploring the Inquiry Classroom: What Inquiry-Based Learning Is and What Inquiry-Based Learning Is Not

    Trevor will be speaking about his work in supporting schools in implementing inquiry, how to scaffold for student agency, and what strong inquiry schools do to build a culture of inquiry both for students and for teachers. Trevor will share structures to cultivate curiosity and engage learners as partners in designing the learning experience. Those in attendance will experience inquiry with Trevor. You will engage in thinking routines, ATL structures, and explore resources that you can bring back to your school and your context no matter your role and position. One of Trevor's inquiry values is that inquiry-based learning is not merely something our students engage in. Strong cultures of inquiry nurture the conditions for all stakeholders to engage in curiosity, wonder, and inquiry whether you are a classroom teacher, coordinator, or administrator. The time with Trevor will transcend context yet leverage personal relevance and meaning for each of you.


    In this session, teachers will:

    ·       explore characteristics of the inquiry classroom

    ·       learn about scaffolded and intentional inquiry

    ·       delve into misconceptions of the inquiry model

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Trevor McKenzie (8:00am - 9:00am)
    Master Class - Exploring the Inquiry Classroom: What Inquiry-Based Learning Is and What Inquiry-Based Learning Is Not

    Students Agency Through Project Based Learning

    Core competencies students require for success now and in the future include critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and communication. A way to develop these skills and dispositions is through allowing students to lead through PBL Structured in groups or independently. Through PBL, students can explore their passions, interests, strengths and connect these to personal, local, global issues that matter to them. They will put their ideas into action through these projects. This workshop will introduce PBL and provide opportunities for teachers to explore, imagine and plan PBL in their schools.

    In this session, teacher will:

    ·       Develop understanding of Student-Led Project Based Learning 

    ·       Explore strategies and tools to ignite students’ passion and interests

    ·       Explore structures to organize PBL in a learning organization 

    ·       Identify next steps for application within their own contexts

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Daun Yorke (9:15am - 12:30pm)
    Deep Dive Workshop - Students Agency Through Project Based Learning

    Developing Thinking and the Implementation of Essential Skills in the Curriculum

    The leaders of tomorrow lay dormant in the children of today. Academic excellence is important, but essential skills such as love, empathy, resilience and acceptance cannot be overlooked. In this heartfelt talk, Gavin McCormack adjusts our perspective of what the word ‘education’ truly means. He will allow you to truly understand how we can structure our learning environments, our delivery of lessons and our approach to assessment to cater for the needs of every individual in our class. 

    In this session, teachers will be able to answer these questions: 

    ·       What is the role of Independence in our classrooms? 

    ·       How can we Cultivate Essential skills? 

    ·       What is Impact based learning and how do we Include this in our pedagogy?

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Gavin McCormack (1:00pm - 2:00pm)
    Master Class - Developing thinking and the implementation of essential skills in the curriculum

    Student Wellbeing in China - A Look at Teacher Self-Care and Strategies to Support Students

    Mental health and wellbeing is a big topic. There is a general trend of declining student wellbeing in China, and teachers are in a unique position to influence and support the students in their care. 

    In this two-part workshop we will look first at teacher self-care and go through an exercise that considers skills and strategies for teacher social emotional wellbeing. In the second half, we will consider developmental and societal challenges that might impact students' levels of wellbeing and offer strategies teachers can use to support their students. Please come willing to reflect, discuss and engage.


    In this session, teachers will learn:

    ·       An appreciation of how teacher self-care supports effective teaching and student learning

    ·       A reflection on areas of personal social emotional competence

    ·       At least one action item to strengthen personal self-care

    ·       An overview of developmental and societal challenges students in China face to their wellbeing

    ·       Awareness of resilience building through use of our language

    ·       Three tips to positively influence student wellbeing in the classroom

    ·       At least one action item to take into your classroom to support student wellbeing

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Paula Brunning (2:15pm - 5:30pm)
    Deep Dive Class - Student Wellbeing in China - A Look at Teacher Self-Care and Strategies to Support Students

    Exploring the Inquiry Classroom: What Inquiry-Based Learning Is and What Inquiry-Based Learning Is Not

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Trevor McKenzie (8:00am - 9:00am)
    Master Class - Exploring the Inquiry Classroom: What Inquiry-Based Learning Is and What Inquiry-Based Learning Is Not
    Trevor MacKenzie is an experienced teacher, author, keynote speaker and inquiry consultant who has worked in schools throughout Australia, Asia, North America, South Africa and Europe. Trevor’s passion is in supporting schools in implementing inquiry-based learning practices. He is a highly regarded speaker known for his heartfelt storytelling, kind demeanour, and student-first philosophy. Trevor’s graduate research focused on identifying and removing the barriers to implementing inquiry-based learning in the K-12 setting. He is an inquiry practitioner currently as a teacher with the Greater Victoria School District in Victoria, Canada. He has two publications: Dive into Inquiry and Inquiry Mindset, both published by Elevate Books Edu. He has vast experience supporting schools across several years in implementation strategies in public schools, international schools, and International Baccalaureate programmes (PYP/MYP/DP).

    Students Agency Through Project Based Learning

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Daun Yorke (9:15am - 12:30pm)
    Deep Dive Workshop - Students Agency Through Project Based Learning
    Daun Yorke is the Secondary Principal at Xi’an Liangjiatan International School in China. Daun is a Lead Educator for the International Baccalaureate where she leads workshops, consults and leads school visits. Daun has trained hundreds of IB PYP, MYP and DP workshop leaders, site visit team members and Lead and Evaluation Leaders face to face and online over the last decade. Daun is a doctoral candidate at Northeastern University, (Boston) completing her dissertation about “ecological agency in IB schools in East Asia.” Daun believes in the power of student voice, vision and action. Inquiry and student-led learning has been at the center of the group and individual Project Based Learning (PBL) initiatives that Daun has led for middle school and high school learners at her school.

    Developing Thinking and the Implementation of Essential Skills in the Curriculum

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Gavin McCormack (1:00pm - 2:00pm)
    Master Class - Developing thinking and the implementation of essential skills in the curriculum
    Having written a series of books for both children and adults on education, researching and representing Sir Kenny Dalglish's Life story as a rhyming picture book, running his own publishing firm, charity and being school Principal, Gavin McCormack, nominated for Australian Principal Of the year 2020, was also named as the 10th most Influential Educator in the world by Linkedin. On a quest for educational equality, Gavin has run hundreds of miles for charity to raise money to personally build schools, libraries and teacher training centres in the Himalayan region of Nepal, all this whilst successfully running one of Australia's best Montessori primary schools, Gavin knows what it means to work with intention. During his engaging talks, Gavin proves that when we discover what it is, that truly makes our heart sing, and if we really want to see change in the world, we must first shift our mindset to a place where failure is all part of the journey. Ultimately, the change we wish to see in others lies within. Gavin makes strong links between the way our classrooms run to the patterns we see emerging in today's society. He emphasizes the importance of essential skill development and the power that these skills will have in the future of our youngest entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow.

    Student Wellbeing in China - A Look at Teacher Self-Care and Strategies to Support Students

    * IES Global Professional Growth November Event *
    Paula Brunning (2:15pm - 5:30pm)
    Deep Dive Class - Student Wellbeing in China - A Look at Teacher Self-Care and Strategies to Support Students
    Paula Brunning has been working internationally for more than 25 years, first as a teacher and since 2001 as a professional counselor both in a private setting and in schools. She holds a BA in Psychology/Spanish, BEd with Junior/Intermediate specialization, and MSocSc in Counseling. Paula has worked with students from age 2-19. Currently, she is in Shenzhen, China, having completed four years as the high school counselor at Shekou International School, and now working as a counselor in the Shekou community, and a consultant with SIS. Paula is the proud mother of five children, ranging in ages from 10 to 22, so she has a wealth of experience from many perspectives when working with children, teens, families and teachers.