  • 软件工程师谢磊
    中移(苏州)软件技术有限公司 软件工程师
  • 高级开发工程师喻兆靖
    字节跳动 高级开发工程师
    目前在字节跳动数据湖团队负责数据湖引擎开发,同时活跃于 HUDI 社区,是Apache HUDI committer。
  • 高级开发工程师张志勇
    小米 高级开发工程师
    小米 开源中的项目:mione
  • Staff Software engineer.Mukund
    Cloudera Staff Software engineer.
    I am an active committer of Apache Hadoop project currently working at Cloudera focusing on Cloud Storage Connectors (aws, azure and gcs) and Ranger Authorization. I have total experience of 8 years designing and developing large scale distributed systems. Apart from software development, I love doing yoga and hiking in the Himalayas.
  • 技术专家姜宁
    华为 技术专家
    姜宁 Apache 软件基金会(ASF) Member、Apache Local Community (ALC) Beijing 发起人,华为开源管理中心技术专家,前红帽软件首席软件工程师,有十五年以上企业级开源中间件开发经验,有丰富的 Java 开发和使用经验,函数式编程爱好者。
  • 社区负责人王殿进
    StreamNative 社区负责人
    ALC Beijing Member,开源爱好者,目前在 StreamNative 担任社区负责人,推动 Apache Pulsar 社区建设与成长,近期关注 Apache 社区与开源运营。
  • 无李志信
    GitHub@LaurenceLiZhixin,Apache Dubbo PMC,Dubbo3 Go 语言生态负责人,Dapr 贡献者,Alibaba/ioc-golang 作者。专注于 Go 云原生中间件方向。就职于阿里云中间件团队,负责 Dubbo-go 服务框架的研发、运营,HSF-go 框架的维护,边缘计算相关产品的研发工作,参与翻译中文版《Learning Dapr》。
  • commiter王晓伟
    Dubbo-go 社区 commiter
    理想智能云 高级研发工程师
  • Chief Technology EvangelistPaul Brebner
    Paul Brebner
    Instaclustr Chief Technology Evangelist
    Paul is the Technology Evangelist at Instaclustr. He’s been learning new scalable technologies, solving realistic problems, building applications, and blogging and talking about many open source technologies including Apache Cassandra, Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Apache Zookeeper, Redis, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Debezium, Cadence, and more. Since learning to program on a VAX 11/780, Paul has extensive R&D and consulting experience in distributed systems, technology innovation, software architecture and engineering, software performance and scalability, grid and cloud computing, and data analytics and machine learning. Paul has worked at UNSW, several tech start-ups, CSIRO, UCL (UK), and NICTA. Paul has an MSc in Machine Learning and a BSc (Computer Science and Philosophy).
  • Staff EngineerThomas, Mark
    Thomas, Mark
    VMware Staff Engineer
    Mark has been an Apache Tomcat committer since November 2003. He initially worked on Tomcat in his free time but since August 2008 he has been employed by SpringSource (now part of VMware) to work on Apache Tomcat. He spends most of his time working on Tomcat but he also works on tc Server, VMware's Servlet & JSP container based on Apache Tomcat. Mark is the release manager for Apache Tomcat 10.0 and 10.1 where he tries to release a new version every month or so. He is currently focused on Tomcat 10.1 development which will support Jakarta EE 10. He is a committer for Eclipse Servlet, Server Pages, Expression Language and WebSocket. Elsewhere at the ASF, Mark is a member of the ASF security and infrastructure teams and he is also on the Commons PMC where he focuses on Commons Pool and DBCP. Mark is a member of the ASF and served as a Director from 2016 to 2019. He has held the position of VP, Brand Management since February 2018.
  • 华为云容器服务架构师王雷博
    华为 华为云容器服务架构师
    华为云容器服务架构师、Volcano 社区 Tech-Leader。先后就职于 Platform computing, IBM 等。拥有十年以上大规模分布式计算、高性能计算领域经验。熟悉云原生、大数据以及AI加速等领域。专注于大规模集群资源管理、调度、作业调度引擎的设计开发。目前主要负责 Volcano 云原生批量计算平台的研发工作。
  • General ManagerBrian Behlendorf
    Brian Behlendorf
    Open Source Security Foundation General Manager
    Brian Behlendorf is the General Manager for the Open Source Security Foundation, an initiative of the Linux Foundation, focused on securing the open source ecosystem. Brian has founded and led open source software communities and initiatives for more than 30 years, first as a co-founder of the Apache Software Foundation and then later as a founding board member of both the Open Source Initiative and the Mozilla Foundation. In parallel, Brian co-founded or was CTO for a series of startups (Wired Magazine, Organic Online, CollabNet) before pivoting towards public service serving the White House CTO office in the Obama Administration and then serving as CTO for the World Economic Forum. Brian joined the Linux Foundation in 2016 to lead Hyperledger, the distributed ledger initiative now core to supply chain traceability and central bank digital currency efforts worldwide, and has led the OpenSSF since September 2021.
  • 华为首席开源联络官任旭东
    任旭东, 华为首席开源联络官, 开源与开发者产业发展副总裁, OIF基金会董事,副主席, Linux基金会网络和边缘开源董事会成员, EdgeGallery社区董事会主席 任旭东先生毕业于上海交通大学并获得计算机学士学位,并于北京大学获得高级工商管理硕士(EMBA)学位。2000年加入华为公司,曾担任智能网络研发工程师、印度分部产品经理和架构师、商业OSS领域总经理、网络OSS副总裁、网络OSS战略与MKT副总裁,解决方案MKTG副总裁等职务。在研发、市场营销、产品管理等方面积累了丰富的经验。 任旭东先生现任ICT基础设施开源业务总经理,也是华为公司开源首席联络官。全面负责面向运营商/企业在网络自动化产业解决方案的开源实现,用开源手段构建产业生态,做大产业空间,构建健康和谐的产业环境,支撑公司商业成功。
  • Tetrate 创始工程师吴晟
    Tetrate 创始工程师
    吴晟,Tetrate 创始工程师,Apache SkyWalking 创始人,AWS Container Hero,Microsoft MVP
  • Apache 软件基金会成员谭中意
    Apache 软件基金会成员
    谭中意,Apache 软件基金会成员,apache brpc 的 PPMC leader,20 年开源工作经验工程师,在 Sun/Baidu/Tencent 等有深入开源合规、治理、运营的经验
  • Apache Member黄向东
    Apache Member
    黄向东,Apache Member、Apache IoTDB PMC Chair,清华大学软件学院2012级博士,清华大学软件学院助理研究员。中国科协青年托举人才,中国通信学会开源技术专委会委员、秘书,时序数据管理相关专利 30 余项。获中国气象学会科技进步一等奖、教育部技术发明一等奖、北京市科技进步一等奖。
  • SphereEx 创始人兼CEO张亮
    SphereEx 创始人兼CEO
    张亮,SphereEx 创始人兼CEO,数据库领域知名实践者,拥有超过 10 年的数据库领域探索、实践经验,热爱开源,擅长分布式架构,推崇优雅代码。曾在多个大型互联网集团公司任职架构、数据库团队负责人。Apache Member 、微软 MVP 、阿里云 MVP、腾讯云 TVP、华为云 MVP、Apache ShardingSphere 创始人 & PMC Chair。出版书籍《未来架构——从服务化到云原生》,在 ICDE 发表论文《Apache ShardingSphere:A Holistic and Pluggable Platform for Data Sharding》。
  • member of the Apache Software FoundationRich Bowen
    Rich Bowen
    member of the Apache Software Foundation
    Rich Bowen is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and is currently serving his seventh term as a Director. He's the VP Conferences, and a member of the Community Development PMC. He's an Open Source Evangelist at AWS.
  • expertShane Coughlan
    Shane Coughlan
    Shane Coughlan is an expert in communication, security, and business development. His professional accomplishments include building the largest open source governance community in the world through the OpenChain Project, spearheading the licensing team that elevated Open Invention Network into the largest patent non-aggression community in history, and establishing the first global network for open source legal experts. He is a founder of both the first law journal and the first law book dedicated to open source. He currently leads the OpenChain Project, acts as an advisor to World Mobile, and is a General Assembly member of OpenForum Europe.
  • 华东师范大学研究员王伟
    王伟,华东师范大学研究员,开源社副理事长,开源社 ONES Group 发起人
  • 企业 OSPO 专业人士边思康
    企业 OSPO 专业人士
    边思康,企业 OSPO 专业人士,开源社 ONES Group 发起人,CCF 开源发展委员会委员
  • Vice PresidentJustin Mclean
    Justin Mclean
    Instaclustr Vice President
    Justin Mclean has more than 25 years of experience developing web-based applications before moving into the learning and teaching space. He currently works for Instaclustr, where he's VP of Training Services, a member of the Open Source Council and is helping start up a new open source foundation that focuses on training and certification for open source software. He's also active in several Apache Software Foundation projects, including the Apache Incubator, was previously on the ASF board and is a mentor for several incubating projects.
  • freeCodeCamp.org中文社区大使刘于瑜
    刘于瑜, 2015 年,“工地打印小妹” Miya 因为想要为普通人打造一个分享的平台,开启了她的社群营造之路。随后她加入了全球最大的开源公益编程教育社区 freeCodeCamp.org,从志愿者成长为中文社区大使,和世界各地的人们协作推动教育公益事业的发展。她关注教育公益、社会创新、青年发展,热爱传播好故事,相信发自内心的快乐是推动人们持续向善的动力。
  • 架构师张东进
    百度 架构师
    张东进,百度杰出架构师,百度大数据基础架构负责人,百度 PALO 团队负责人。曾主导研发了百度最早的大数据平台 LSP(海量日志分析平台),目前全面负责百度大数据基础产品体系,包括超大规模离线计算服务 EMR+、高性能流计算服务 SC、全新的在离线融合统一湖仓 PALO 等。
  • 学生陈意昊
    陈意昊,SkyWalking Queen’s University 计算机科学
  • 学生张俊杰
    张俊杰,Apache ShardingSphere 天津理工大学 软件工程
  • 中间件张亮
    张亮,数据库领域知名实践者,拥有超过 10 年的数据库领域探索、实践经验,热爱开源,擅长分布式架构,推崇优雅代码。曾在多个大型互联网集团公司任职架构、数据库团队负责人。Apache Member 、微软 MVP 、阿里云 MVP、腾讯云 TVP、华为云 MVP、Apache ShardingSphere 创始人 & PMC Chair。出版书籍《未来架构——从服务化到云原生》,在 ICDE 发表论文《Apache ShardingSphere:A Holistic and Pluggable Platform for Data Sharding》。
    乔嘉林,清华大学博士,助理研究员。Apache IoTDB PMC 及初创成员,从头参与建设我国高校发起的首个 Apache 顶级项目。开放原子基金会银牌讲师,获北京市科技进步一等奖。个人公众号「铁头乔」。
  • 项目总监张晨
    尚硅谷IT教育 项目总监
  • 产品经理展留坤
    API7.ai 产品经理
    展留坤,开源爱好者;开源商业化公司 API7.ai 产品负责人,基于 Apache APISIX 构建 API7 企业产品的规划、实施与落地。有开源文化布道,商业化产品宣传等方面的演讲经历。
  • PMC Chair羡辙
    Apache ECharts PMC Chair
    羡辙是 Apache Member 以及 Apache ECharts 项目的 PMC 主席和核心贡献者。她对可视化项目富有热情,希望借助数据可视化让更多人理解数据背后的故事。1
  • Software EngineerCongiusti, Pasquale
    Congiusti, Pasquale
    Red Hat Software Engineer
    Pasquale is a Software Engineer at Red Hat since 2019. He is Apache Camel committer since 2021 and active contributor of Camel K, an Apache Camel project which goal is to simplify Camel application developments in the Cloud. He often contributes to Apache Camel and Syndesis open source projects.
  • Co-Founder and Chief Technology OfficerMerlino, Gian
    Merlino, Gian
    Imply Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer
    Gian is a co-founder and CTO of Imply. Gian is also one of the main committers of Apache Druid. Previously, Gian led the data ingestion team at Metamarkets and held senior engineering positions at Yahoo. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Caltech.
  • 研发工程师孙刚
    阿里巴巴本地生活 研发工程师
  • 技术专家、云原生架构师曾宇星
    阿里云 技术专家、云原生架构师
    曾宇星,阿里云云原生架构师,技术专家,长期从事服务端开发和架构工作,10 多年分布式领域后台开发经验,主要关注于云原生、高性能、高可用分布式架构。有多年 ServiceMesh 、Envoy 网关、Kubernetes 容器平台等云原生领域相关开发工作经验。目前在阿里云服务网格团队从事 ServiceMesh 云产品研发和架构设计工作。
  • Chief Technology EvangelistPaul Brebner
    Paul Brebner
    Instaclustr Chief Technology Evangelist
    Paul is the Technology Evangelist at Instaclustr. For the past five years, he has been learning new scalable technologies, solving realistic problems, building applications, and blogging and talking about Apache Cassandra, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Redis, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Cadence, and many more open source technologies. Since learning to program on a VAX 11/780, Paul has extensive R&D, teaching, and consulting experience in distributed systems, technology innovation, software architecture and engineering, software performance and scalability, grid and cloud computing, and data analytics and machine learning. Paul has also worked at Waikato University, UNSW, CSIRO, UCL (UK), NICTA/ANU, and several tech start-ups. Paul has an MSc in Machine Learning and a BSc (Computer Science and Philosophy).
  • Apache ShenYu PPMC刘良
    Apache ShenYu Community Apache ShenYu PPMC
    目前是招银网络科技的Java开发工程师,参与Apache ShenYu开源项目,是Apache ShenYu PPMC成员。2021年,在开源社年会中,分享了《毕业一年,我是如何成为Apache项目的Committer》。
  • Staff EngineerThomas, Mark
    Thomas, Mark
    VMware Staff Engineer
    Mark has been an Apache Tomcat committer since November 2003. He initially worked on Tomcat in his free time but since August 2008 he has been employed by SpringSource (now part of VMware) to work on Apache Tomcat. He spends most of his time working on Tomcat but he also works on tc Server, VMware's Servlet & JSP container based on Apache Tomcat. Mark is the release manager for Apache Tomcat 10.0 and 10.1 where he tries to release a new version every month or so. He is currently focused on Tomcat 10.1 development which will support Jakarta EE 10. He is a committer for Eclipse Servlet, Server Pages, Expression Language and WebSocket. Elsewhere at the ASF, Mark is a member of the ASF security and infrastructure teams and he is also on the Commons PMC where he focuses on Commons Pool and DBCP. Mark is a member of the ASF and served as a Director from 2016 to 2019. He has held the position of VP, Brand Management since February 2018.
  • 教授陆首群
    中国开源软件推进联盟(COPU)名誉主席, 陆首群教授是世界闻名的开源领袖,中国信息科技界的领军人物,开源的泰斗,中国和全世界开源事业的推动者,中国信息化的开拓者和实践者,中国开源运动的倡导者和推动者。曾任中国长城计算机集团公司副董事长,吉通通信公司(国家金桥、金关、金卡、金税工程业主单位)总裁、董事长,国务院信息办常务副主任,中国人民银行、中国航天工业总公司、国家广播电视电影部信息化高级顾问,中国工业经济联合会副会长,中国开源软件推进联盟主席。接受国际开源界授奖“推进开源终身成就奖”(包括推进中国、亚洲乃至全球开源)、“开源领袖奖”
  • Chair of the InnerSourceCommons.orgDanese Cooper
    Danese Cooper
    Chair of the InnerSourceCommons.org
    Danese Cooper has been an outspoken Free and Open Source Software activist for more than 20 years. Over that time she has consistently worked for the health and welfare of the FOSS movement at jobs such as CTO of Wikipedia, Chief Open Source Evangelist for Sun, Senior Director of Open Source Strategy for Intel, and Board Member with the Drupal Association, the Open Hardware Foundation and the Open Source Initiative. Seven years ago while running PayPal's OSPO, Danese started thinking, talking, and writing about InnerSource as the logical next step to sustain the FOSS movement. Today Danese is Chair of the InnerSourceCommons.org, a US 501(c)3 non-profit. She still consults on Open Source (and InnerSource) via DaneseWorks, Ltd and lives in Western Ireland.
  • Apache 软件基金会(ASF)2022 年度董事姜宁
    华为 Apache 软件基金会(ASF)2022 年度董事
    姜宁,Apache 软件基金会(ASF)2022 年度董事、ApacheCon Asia 会议主席、Apache Local Community (ALC) Beijing 发起人,华为开源管理中心技术专家,前红帽软件首席软件工程师。
  • 开源社理事刘天栋
    刘天栋,开源社联合创始人 | Apache 软件基金会成员、孵化器项目管理委员会成员/导师、社区发展委员会成员、筹款委员会成员/赞助伙伴大使(中国区)| 腾讯 TVP、腾源会导师 | BAIN & Company External Advisor
  • SegmentFault 思否运营合伙人兼 COO江波
    SegmentFault 思否运营合伙人兼 COO
    江波,SegmentFault 思否运营合伙人兼 COO,开发者生态专家,关注企业技术品牌传播、开发者生态建设、开源运营及开源治理。现任开源社 2022 年度理事、执行长,是 CCF 中国计算机学会开源发展委员会首批执行委员,中国通信学会开源技术委员会组织秘书,是 Apache Local Community (ALC) Beijing 正式成员,和 ApacheCon Asia 2021-2022 的组织者。
  • 深圳支流科技的联合创始人&CEO温铭
    温铭,深圳支流科技的联合创始人&CEO,开源微服务 API 网关 Apache APISIX 的 PPMC,OpenResty 软件基金会创始人和第一任主席,360 开源委员会发起人,极客时间《OpenResty 从入门到实战》专栏作者。
  • 易观大数据平台总监代立冬
    代立冬,易观大数据平台总监 & Apache DolphinScheduler PPMC,负责每日数百亿条数据处理链条的流程规划,技术选型,技术攻关及人才梯队建设等工作。专注于数据领域研发数据平台架构10年,擅长于数据平台建设、集群性能调优、数据仓库建设,曾任多家大数据公司数据架构师。
  • member of the ASFMark Thomas
    Mark Thomas
    member of the ASF
    Mark has been an Apache Tomcat committer since November 2003. He initially worked on Tomcat in his free time but since August 2008 he has been employed by SpringSource (now part of VMware) to work on Apache Tomcat. He spends most of his time working on Tomcat but he also works on tc Server, VMware's Servlet & JSP container based on Apache Tomcat. Mark is the release manager for Apache Tomcat 10.0 and 10.1 where he tries to release a new version every month or so. He is currently focused on Tomcat 10.1 development which will support Jakarta EE 10. He is a committer for Eclipse Servlet, Server Pages, Expression Language and WebSocket. Elsewhere at the ASF, Mark is a member of the ASF security and infrastructure teams and he is also on the Commons PMC where he focuses on Commons Pool and DBCP. Mark is a member of the ASF and served as a Director from 2016 to 2019. He has held the position of VP, Brand Management since February 2018.
  • SelectDB公司CEO连林江
  • DevSecOps 专业人士王永雷
    DevSecOps 专业人士
    王永雷,DevSecOps 专业人士,开源社 ONES Group 发起人
  • 博士研究生赵生宇
    赵生宇,同济大学博士研究生,开源社 ONES Group 发起人
  • 博士夏小雅
    夏小雅,华东师范大学在读博士,CHAOSS APAC Community Lead, X-lab成员
  • TUNA 会长刘一芃
    TUNA 会长
    刘一芃, 现任 TUNA 会长。清华大学计算机系本科毕业,交叉信息学院在读博士
  • 运营李梦
    中科院软件所 运营
    李梦,中科院软件所 开源之夏运营/ ISCAS OSPP
  • 学生谢其骏
    谢其骏,Apache IoTDB 北京航空航天大学 计算机科学与计算
  • 学生黄章衡
    黄章衡,RocketMQ 福州大学 & 计算机科学与技术
  • 大数据代立冬
    代立冬,白鲸开源联合创始人、Apache Member、Apache DolphinScheduler PMC Chair、Apache SeaTunnel PPMC、Apache 孵化器导师。