徐经理 David Xu 邮箱: david.xu@deliver-consulting.com 电话: 137-7629-3901 微信同
【会议媒体合作】 王经理 Michelle Wang 邮箱: michelle.wang@deliver-consulting.com
关于我们 About Us
迪易生命科学 (Deliver Life Sciences)是一家专注并服务于中国及亚太生物制药及生命科学领域的信息咨询及品牌性会议运营单位。我们着眼于最新的法规要求,产业发展趋势,科学发现及技术更新;通过与领先的国际行业协会、政府监管单位、学术及生物制药产业界的关键意见领袖及顾问,建立长期及紧密的合作及联系,我们策划并推广专业性的国际会议、论坛、公共培训及相关资讯服务,主要涵盖了药物的早期发现、临床研究、生物标志物与伴随诊断、抗体药物、核酸药物与疫苗制品、细胞与基因治疗产品、生物工艺开发等。
Deliver Life Sciences is a specialty producer and organizer of the conference, workshop, training together with tailored solutions to serve the growing biomedical industry in Asia. Through looking into the current trends of regulation, scientific findings and cutting-edge technology and work with leading associations, regulatory agency, industry and academia KOLs, we translate, formulate and promote our offerings from basic medicinal research, discovery to development till commercialization. Our current programs cover Drug Discovery, Clinical Development, Biomarkers and Companion Diagnostics, Antibody Therapeutics, RNA-based Therapeutics and Vaccines, Cell and Gene Therapies, BioProcess Development.
迪易生命科学 Deliver Life Sciences 是一家专注并服务于中国及亚太生物制药及生命科学领域的信息咨询及品牌性会议运营单位。我们着眼于最新的法规要求,产业发展趋势,科学发现及技术更新;通过与领先的国际行业协会、政府监管单位、学术及生物制药产业界的关键意见领袖及顾问,建立长期及紧密的合作及联系,我们策划并推广专业性的国际会议、论坛、公共培训及相关资讯服务,主要涵盖了药物的早期发现、临床研究、生物标志物与伴随诊断、抗体药物、核酸药物与疫苗制品、多肽药物、细胞与基因治疗产品等。
Deliver Life Sciences is a specialty producer and organizer of the conference, workshop, training together with tailored solutions to serve the growing biomedical industry in Asia. Through looking into the current trends of regulation, scientific findings and cutting-edge technology and work with leading associations, regulatory agency, industry and academia KOLs, we translate, formulate and promote our offerings from basic medicinal research, discovery to development till commercialization. Our current programs cover Drug Discovery, Clinical Development, Biomarkers and Companion Diagnostics, Antibody Therapeutics, RNA Therapeutics and Vaccines, Peptide Therapeutics, Cell and Gene Therapies etc.