
BioCon China Expo 2024 咨询表

感谢您对BioCon China Expo 2024的关注,请您留下您的联系信息以及咨询意向,组委会将在24小时之内与您联系,谢谢。

Thank you for your attention to BioCon China Expo 2024. Please leave your contact information and consultation intention. The organizing committee will contact you within 24 hours, Thanks.


If you have any other questions, please contact the organizing committee directly:

咨询参展/赞助 Consultation on being exhibitors /sponsors 

Tel:+86 18017939885


咨询成为讲演嘉宾事宜 / Ask about being a guest speaker

Tel:+86 13564953522


咨询参会/参观/奖项  Ask about conference/ visiting/Awards

Tel:+86 13122785593


选择一个主题 / Select a topic : *
咨询成为展商/赞助商事宜 / Consultation on being exhibitors /sponsors
咨询参观事宜 / Consultation on being visitors
咨询奖项/ Ask about BioCon Awards
咨询组团参观 / Consultation on organizing visitor groups
咨询参会议程 / Ask about agenda of the conference
咨询成为讲演嘉宾事宜 / Ask about being a guest speaker
咨询成为媒体合作伙伴事宜 / Consultation on being media partners
下载BioCon 2023会后报告 / Download post show report
订阅电子快讯 / Subscribe to an e-newsletter
咨询项目路演 / Ask about Road Show
姓名 / Name *
公司 / Company *
职位 / Position *
手机号 / Mobile phone number *
工作邮箱 / E-mail *
公司官网 / Official Website *
留言 / Message
您是通过何种渠道了解到 BioCon Expo 2024 信息的?/ From *
大会特设1V1采购配对会,约20分钟一场,您是否有采购需求?(成功配对参会者有机会享受如下福利:升级SVIP、精美礼品、现场活动抽奖等,为了保证会展的专业性及权威性,组委会将对采购需求审核,审核通过将有专人为您服务对接。) *