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Go Green: Sino-German Green Transformation Symposium 2024
(Language: English 语言:英文)
China is transitioning towards a green and low-carbon economy. Recently, many new policies have been issued by the Chinese government, showing that companies are increasing seen as drivers for this development and that this year more efforts need to put into making China greener.
中国正在向绿色低碳经济转型。 近期中国政府出台了多项相关新政策,鼓励企业绿色转型,以促进企业自身和中国经济的可持续高质量发展。
Known for forward-thinking strategic vision and firm action, German companies has been actively engaging in the ESG practices in their companies, while also endeavoring to make the whole value chain greener with their products, technologies, services and solutions. These companies are constantly exploring the potential for energy saving and carbon reduction, promoting the green industry transformation. There are ample cooperation opportunities in greening China's economy with German companies' contributions.
Thus, in collaboration with Guangzhou International Cooperation Center, the German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest is organizing the first Sino-German Symposium on Green Transformation in South China, focusing on energy saving, emission reduction and green transformation, discussing the future of green development and presenting German companies' contribution to this game changing topic among the Sino-German business community.
由此,中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区将携手广州国际交流合作中心,举办华南首届德中绿色转型研讨会,聚焦节能减排和绿色转型,广邀德中商界代表同台对话,交流绿色转型的最佳实践,探讨未来绿色发展的着力点,共谋可持续发展。
Time & Venue 时间与地点
Time: 14:00-18:00, Tue, Sept 24, 2024
Venue: Guangzhou International Cooperation Center
Add: 4F, 886 Tianhebei Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Event Highlights 活动亮点
First Edition: First Sino-German Symposium in South China focusing on green transition
Paper Launch: Greening China's Economy - Contributions by German Companies, published by AHK Greater China
Report Interpretation: From Principles to Practices - ESG Practices of German Companies in China 2024
Best Practices: Sharing best practices on green transformation
Idea Exchange: Gathering of representatives from German companies in South China to discuss the latest green topics
倡议发布:德国海外商会联盟 · 大中华区绿色转型倡议书重大发布
报告解读:从理念到行动 - 在华德企ESG实践报告2024深入解读
- 中山大学经济法学硕士
- 拥有20+年战略投资、国际商务及项目管理经验
- 曾任职瑞典大使馆商务署并担任区域负责人
- 入选首届高企科技创新大会“十大优秀科技工作者” (唯一女性)、获第六届广州女性创客(创新创业创造)大赛二等奖
- 广州市黄埔区巾帼志愿者协会常务副会长
- Master of Economic Law, Sun Yat-sen University
- 20+ years of experience in strategic investment, international business and project management
- Worked for Business Section of the Swedish Embassy as Regional Head
- One of the "Top 10 Outstanding Individuals in Science and Technology" at the First High Tech Innovation Conference as the only female selected candidate, Second Prize Winner in Guangzhou Female Sci-tech Maker (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Creation) Competition
- Executive Vice Chairman of Huangpu District Women's Volunteer Association
She says: The key elements to success for women in career: IQ+EQ+AQ+LQ
IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) can help improve business skills and foster harmonious interpersonal relationships, however, AQ (Adversity Quotient) and LQ (Love Quotient) can empower the buildup of personal charm and insightful thinking. Women in career are three-dimensional, diversified and dynamic as well. We should learn to love ourselves and meanwhile care for others with empathy and altruistic mindset. Being confident, open-minded, and loving is the way of being most beautiful, which may turn into the bright light to illuminate both ourselves and others.
Sign In & Networking 签到与自由交流
Opening Remarks 开幕致辞
- Martin Klose, Executive Director of German Chamber of Commerce in China · South & Southwest
马廷坤,中国德国商会 · 华南及西南地区执行董事
Welcome Remarks 欢迎致辞
- Jana Ludwig, Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Guangzhou
Paper Launch: Greening China's Economy - Contributions by German Companies
- Dr. Constanze Wang, Head of Government Affairs and Advocacy, AHK Greater China
王晓丹博士,德国海外商会联盟 · 大中华区政府事务部负责人
Report Presentation: From Principles to Practices - ESG Practices of German Companies in China 2024
报告解读:从理念到行动 - 在华德企ESG实践报告2024
- Cynthia Xue, ESG Expert of TÜV SÜD
薛姿韵,TÜV SÜD可持续发展技术专家
Keynote Speech: Innovation Opens the Way to Pioneering in Carbon Neutrality
- Alex Liu, Director of Site Management Service, Senior Engineer, BASF New Verbund Site China
Coffee Break 茶歇
Topic Sharing: Green Supply Chain Management: Collaborative Emission Reduction Practices Across the Industry Chain
- Justin Hu, Director of Bravowhale Technology South China Branch
Case Study: Air China Adheres to Green Operations Philosophy, Promotes Sustainable Low-Carbon Development
- Leonie Li, Key Account Manager of Air China Marketing & Sales Center Southern China
Panel Discussion:Going Green in China - New Challenges or Competitive Edge?
企业对话: 在华推行绿色发展 - 新的挑战或是竞争优势?
- Andrew Li, General Manager, NEFIN China Mainland & Hong Kong
- Florise Chen, Vice President, Lunaler Health Technology Co., Ltd.
- Oliver Berghofer, Business Development Manager, Schüco International (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
- Moderator: Constanze wang, Head of Government Affairs and Advocacy, AHK Greater China
主持人:王晓丹,德国海外商会联盟 · 大中华区政府事务部负责人
Networking 自由交流
Sign In & Networking 签到与自由交流
Opening Remarks 开幕致辞
Welcome Remarks 欢迎致辞
Paper Launch: Greening China's Economy - Contributions by German Companies
Report Presentation: From Principles to Practices - ESG Practices of German Companies in China 2024
报告解读:从理念到行动 - 在华德企ESG实践报告2024
Keynote Speech: Innovation Opens the Way to Pioneering in Carbon Neutrality
Coffee Break 茶歇
Topic Sharing: Green Supply Chain Management: Collaborative Emission Reduction Practices Across the Industry Chain
Case Study: Air China Adheres to Green Operations Philosophy, Promotes Sustainable Low-Carbon Development
Panel Discussion:Going Green in China - New Challenges or Competitive Edge?
企业对话: 在华推行绿色发展 - 新的挑战或是竞争优势?
Networking 自由交流
* Partnership is open now! We cordially invite you to join as our partner! Benefits inlude:
Speaking slot to show your expertise
Showcase area to present your company and products
Online and offline exposure to gain maximum visibility, and more!
Click to download the full partnership kit 点击下载完整合作方案:
Green Transformation Symposium Partnership 绿色转型研讨会合作方案.pdf
For partnership, please contact us 如有合作意向,请联系我们:
- Ms. Charlotte Tan | Regional Director: 020-8755 8206,
- Ms. Jay Fang | Senior Event Manager: 020-8755 8203,
Refund Description:
Limited seats, member first, max 2 quotas for each company.
If you would like to cancel the trip after successful registration, please inform organizer as early as possible to avoid inconvenience, thank you. 如成功报名后因计划有变无法参与,请尽早通知主办方,以免造成不便,谢谢。
1. The organizer reserves the right of final participation and interpretation.
2. Limited seats, member first, max 2 quotas for each company. If you would like to cancel the trip after successful registration, please inform organizer as early as possible to avoid inconvenience, thank you.
3. For any enquiries, please contact the Event Manager Jay Fang via or call 020-8755 8203.
NEFIN is a leading green Independent Power Producer (IPP) dedicated to delivering bespoke carbon-neutral solutions. With over a decade of experience in deploying solar projects and a mission to achieve carbon neutrality, NEFIN is a trusted sustainability partner to Fortune 500 companies and MNCs across Asia.
NEFIN’s extensive services span from the conception and engineering stage to financing, project management, and operation & maintenance support, making the switch to renewable energy effortless. NEFIN strives to support global climate goals with the latest technology to enhance operation efficiency.
立盈(NEFIN)是亚太地区优质的私营绿能供应商,提供定制化碳中和解决方案。立盈拥有十多年部署太阳能项目的经验和实现碳中和的使命,是亚洲财富 500 强公司和跨国公司值得信赖的可持续发展合作伙伴。
立盈的广泛服务涵盖从概念和工程阶段到融资、项目管理以及运营和维护支持,使企业毫不费力地迈向再生能源转型。 立盈致力于利用创新的技术提高运营效率,支持全球气候目标。
Website 官网:
LinkedIn or WeChat 微信: NEFIN 立盈
Email 电子邮箱:
Bravowhale Technology was founded in 2014 and is a global innovative ESG service platform company. Relying on comprehensive technological solutions, it assists clients in addressing compliance scenarios such as green energy use, exports, and supply chain emissions reduction. The company provides enterprises with all-encompassing, low-cost, one-stop dual-carbon and ESG compliance services. Through technological means, it ensures the authenticity, credibility, and traceability of real-time underlying data during the compliance process, and meets stringent auditing requirements. Currently, Bravowhale has provided comprehensive and professional green energy and supply chain low-carbon solutions to nearly a hundred Fortune 500 companies, listed companies, and upstream and downstream supply chain enterprises across dozens of industries.
Contact: 胡济源 Hu Jiyuan
华南分公司总监 Director of South China Branch
TEL: 18682433880
Air China is China’s national flag carrier and a member carrier of the world’s largest airline network - Star Alliance.
Utilizing its extensive route network and its hub in Beijing, especially after its admission to the Star Alliance, Air China can fly passengers to more than 1,200 destination in 186 countries(region).
Air China’s customer service philosophy revolves around four elements: credibility, convenience, comfort, and choice. Hard work over the years has resulted in a tremendous increase in Air China’s brand value. In 2024, Air China ranked again as one of the world’s top 500 brands with a brand value of RMB 2,596.95 billion.
For more, visit Air China’s official website or call Air China’s hotline 95583.
©2024 German Chamber of Commerce in China (GCC) / German Industry and Commerce (Taicang) Co., Ltd. (GIC) and its branches / three Delegations of German Industry and Commerce (Delegation). No part of this event and/or content and/or publication and/or video may be reproduced without prior permission. For further questions, please refer to the provided contact persons.
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© 2024中国德国商会(GCC)/ 德中工商技术咨询服务(太仓)有限公司(GIC)及分支机构 / 德国工商大会三个代表处(代表处)。本活动以及活动素材、信息发布、视频等,未经许可不得复制。如有疑问,请与联络人联系。