SAE 2023 Intelligent Urban Air Mobility Symposium

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SAE 2023 Intelligent Urban Air Mobility Symposium

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This professional academic symposium is based on academic research, industry technology application, and incubation, spotlighting small low-altitude aircraft, Intelligent vehicles, and 3D urban transportation. The topics focus on power-driven and battery technology, sensing and fusion technology, path planning and secure flight control technology, decision-making and multi-agent coordination technology, intelligent cockpit and HMI technology, advanced structure, noise, and vibration control technology, high-reliability low-altitude communication technology, intelligent vehicles and urban 3D transportation technology.

If you have content to publish and are interested in presenting it with SAE, please see the below topics and deadlines. We look forward to your contributions and thank you in advance for supporting SAE.

All adopted papers will be indexed by Ei Compendex.

09:00 -17:45

SAE 2023 Intelligent Urban Air Mobility Symposium

Welcome Address
Keynote Speech

Hubert Jäger Chief Scientist, Binjiang Innovation Center of Hangzhou City University

WANG Weida Vice Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology

DU Haiping Professor, University of Wollongong

CHE Haixiang Head of Hangzhou Low-altitude UAV Operation Service Center; General Manager of Zhejiang Zhelifei Technology Co., Ltd.

To be Invited

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering   

Beihang University  

Tsinghua University

Technical Speech

XIE Jia Senior Vice President, AutoFlight

XIE Anhuan Deputy Director, Intelligent Robot Research Center of Zhijiang Lab

KANG Yuanli Specially-invited Expert of COMAC and Head of More Electric System Integrated Research Team, COMAC Beijing Civil Aircraft Technology Research Institute

WANG Yunsheng Director of General Engineering Department, Aviage Systems; Member of SAE S-18 Committee

XIA Baizhan Professor of College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University

JIANG Yutao Vice President, Ehang

GUO Liang CEO and Chief Scientist, AEROFUGIA

To be Invited

Xiaopeng Huitian

Airworthiness Institute of China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology

09:00 -12:00

Multi-sensing and Fusion

Highly Reliable Communication in Low-Altitude Airspace

09:00 -12:00

Intelligent Vehicles and Intelligent Urban Stereoscopic Transportation 

Intelligent Cabin and Human-Machine Interaction

09:00 -17:00

Power Drive and Battery

Advanced Configuration and NVH Control

13:30 -17:00

Route Planning and Safe Flight Control 

Intelligent Decision-Making and Multi-aircraft Collaboration

Welcome Address
Keynote Speech
Technical Speech
Organizing Committee (Sort by Surname)


  • Wei Wei    Vice President, Hangzhou City University


Executive Chair

  • Jie Bai    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center


Vice Chairs

  • Peng Chen    Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • Haiping Du    University of Wollongong, Australia

  • Hubert Jäger    Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

  • Daxin Tian    Beihang University

  • Weida Wang    Beijing Institute of Technology

  • Rui Yin    Hangzhou City University

  • Bangji Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Yangjun Zhang    Tsinghua University



  • Zheshuo Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center


Session Chairs

Power-driven and Battery Technology

  • Xin Ma    Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute of Civil Aviation University of China

  • Xinfeng Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Hanlin Sheng    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Sensing and Fusion Technology

  • Daxin Tian    Beihang University

  • Libo Huang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Lili Fan    Beijing Institute of Technology


Path Planning and Secure Flight Control Technology

  • Haiping Du    University of Wollongong, Australia

  • Fang Wang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Jie Zhang    Changsha University of Science & Technology


Decision-making and Multi-agent Collaboration Technology

  • Guofa Li    Chongqing University

  • Wen Hu    Tsinghua University


Intelligent Cockpit and HMI Technology

  • Hongyan Guo    Jilin University

  • Liping Yang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center


Advanced Structure, Noise, and Vibration Control Technology

  • Donghong Ning    Ocean University of China

  • Bohuan Tan    Xiangtan University, China


High-reliability, Low-altitude Communication Technology

  • Hongming Chen    Zhejiang Ocean University, China

  • Shengli Liu    Hangzhou City University Binchuang Center


Intelligent Vehicles and Urban 3D Transportation Technology

  • Jian Zhang    Southeast University, China

  • Xin Chang    Civil Aviation University of China

​Academic Committee (Sort by Surname)

Honorary Chair

  • Keqiang Li    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

  • Minggao Ouyang    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

  • Changle Xiang    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering



  • Jie Bai   Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center


Vice Chair

  • Ye-Hwa Chen    Georgia Institute of Technology, United States

  • Weiwen Deng    Beihang University

  • Yunhui Huang    Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  • Xin Ma    Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute of Civil Aviation University of China

  • Ravi Rajamani    Cranfield University, United States

  • Weida Wang    Beijing Institute of Technology

  • Shuguang Zhang    Beihang University



  • Jun Bi    Beijing Jiaotong University

  • Xin Chang    Civil Aviation University of China

  • Hongming Chen    Zhejiang Ocean University

  • Haiping Du    University of Wollongong, Australia

  • Lili Fan    Beijing Institute of Technology

  • Hongyan Guo    Jilin University

  • Wen Hu    Tsinghua University

  • Libo Huang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Jinchen Ji    University of Technology Sydney, Australia

  • Guofa Li    ChongqingUniversity

  • Ying Li    Beijing Institute of Technology

  • Shengli Liu    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Chen Lv    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • Xin Ma    Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute of Civil Aviation University of China

  • Donghong Ning    Ocean University of China

  • Hanlin Sheng    Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • Bohuan Tan    Xiangtan University

  • Daxin Tian    Beihang University

  • Fang Wang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Liping Yang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Hui Yin    Hunan University

  • Bangji Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Jian Zhang    Southeast University

  • Xinfeng Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Zheshuo Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Jie Zhang    Changsha University of Science & Technology

  • Renhang Zhang    Hangzhou City University Binjiang Innovation Center

  • Weilin Zhuge    Tsinghua University

Preparation Stage
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2023-10-21 18:00
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Incl. Event Guide, Lunch, and the materials authorized by the speaker.
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2023-10-21 18:00
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Limited for the author whose papers have been adopted. For each adopted Paper, at least one author needs complete the registration.
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2023-10-21 18:00
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Only for College teachers, students, and researchers. Please upload your relevant valid documents. The organizer must review all registrations before participating.
Incl. Event Guide, Lunch, and the materials authorized by the speaker.
Speakers, Organizers
2023-10-21 18:00
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Speakers; Members of the Organizing Committee and Academic Committee Limited.
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2023-10-21 18:00
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Call for Papers

DEADLINE: July 15, 2023 --> August 23, 2023

Ei Compendex will index all adopted papers.

Topics Under Consideration:

Section/Category - IUAM2023

  • Power-driven and Battery Technology

  • Sensing and Fusion Technology

  • Path Planning and Secure Flight Control Technology

  • Decision-making and Multi-agent Collaboration Technology

  • Intelligent Cockpit and HMI Technology

  • Advanced Structure, Noise, and Vibration Control Technology 

  • High-reliability Low-altitude Communication Technology

  • Intelligent Vehicles and Urban 3D Transportation Technology

Important Dates and Notes

Deadline for submitting paper offers: July 15, 2023 --> July 30, 2023

Language for Technical Paper: English

Paper Submission Portal: http://saeintl.cn/cfpcn 

  • Technical Papers must be submitted online via the website page to only ONE category/session.

  • Offered papers shall not have been previously published, and if accepted, contributors will not release their papers for publication through other media.

  • Refer to the author resources site at http://saeintl.cn/author for other helpful information in preparing your paper.

  • How to Write an SAE International Technical Paper: http://volunteers.sae.org/authors/sae_tech_paper.pdf

  • Technical Paper Word Template: http://saeintl.cn/template

  • Please submit the full manuscript directly through the portal, and remove the author, affiliation, contact information, and acknowledgment. All these information shall be submitted in the Additional Information. Once your manuscript has been accepted, all these elements will be allowed to add before publishing.

  • Paper acceptance will be based on organizer moderated double-blind peer-reviewed of a review-ready manuscript. 

Important Information

  • If your manuscript has been accepted, one author shall register for the event and participate on-site; otherwise, your manuscript may not be eligible for publication. 

  • The accepted manuscript will be published by SAE International. All published papers will be fully searchable on SAE MOBILUS, the destination for mobility engineering resources at: https://saemobilus.sae.org/ 

  • All the published papers will be indexed by Elsevier Ei Compendex

  • If your manuscript is selected for Podium Time and you do not attend, your manuscript may not be eligible for publication. 

  • Approval of the final manuscript does not guarantee that the author will be given a speaking slot. Presentations will be assigned based on topic applicability and the number of available speaking slots.

  • For updated information, please visit: https://www.bagevent.com/event/sae2023-vepden

Publishing Q&A

Q: Once my paper has been accepted by SAE, when can it be published?

A:  In principle, all the accepted papers will be officially published two months after the events.

Q: When can my paper be indexed by Elsevier Ei Compendex?

A: Regularly, Elsevier needs 4~8 weeks to proceed with the process after officially being published by SAE, and SAE cannot control it.