[Apr 23 | SZ | Member Free] HR Roundtable: HR Compliance Management & Key Challenges HR合规管理及重点难点分析

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HR Roundtable: HR Compliance Management & Key Challenges

人力资源管理圆桌会: HR 合规管理及重点难点分析

Language: Chinese 语言:中文

当下,人力资源管理中的合规管理是确保企业员工在法律、政策和道德规范下进行工作的重要组成部分。随着越来越多的劳动法规出台,以及员工对维护自身合法权益的意识逐渐增强,HR 合规管理变得愈发关键和复杂。

Nowadays, Compliance Management in human resources is an essential component of ensuring employees to work within legal, policy, and ethical norms. With the increasing number of labor regulations and the growing awareness among employees to safeguard their legal rights, HR Compliance Management has become increasingly crucial and complex. 

本次圆桌会将分析 HR 合规管理及其重点难点,探讨如何在日常管理中有效应对这些挑战,确保企业的经营稳健和可持续发展,交流薪酬制度等内容。来自广东固法律师事务所的合伙人陈立宏律师将带来主题分享。

In this roundtable, we will analyze the key challenges of HR Compliance Management and explore effective ways to address these challenges in daily management to ensure the stable and sustainable development of enterprises. Mr. Sam Chen from PW & Partners Law Firm will make a keynote speech, discuss with you about the sore points of HR Compliance Management and other contents including remuneration systems and so on.


We sincerely invite you to join the GCC HR Roundtable where you could keep in touch and communicate with senior HRs from German enterprises. 


 Event Details 


Time: 15:00-16:00, Tue, Apr 23, 2024


Venue:GCC Shenzhen Office


Add: No. 410 Block A, Chuangye Yihao, No.43 Yanshan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen



14:45-15:00    Registration 签到

15:00-15:30    Keynote Speech: HR Compliance Management & Key Challenges  HR 合规管理及重点难点分析

15:30-16:00    Free Discussion 交流讨论


1. 座位有限,报名需经审核。请于4月22日前报名。Limited seats and application is subject for approval. Please register before Apr 22. 

2. 如有任何问题,欢迎联系:Ms. Silvia Li |  li.silvia@china.ahk.de | 0755-26604215。For any enquiries, please contact the Event Manager Silvia Li. 

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German Chamber of Commerce in China - SSW China 

1903 Leatop Plaza | No. 32 Zhu Jiang East Road Tianhe District | 510620 Guangzhou | P.R. China 

T: +86-20-8755 8203  

E: chamber-ssw@china.ahk.de  




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